Esterly, Schneider celebrated its 70th anniversary this year and takes pride in our firm’s longevity in the Architecture Business. We want to mention how impressed we are with the 111th anniversary being celebrated in 2017 by one of our financial clients, Ozark Bank. Chartered in 1906, Ozark Bank is in its 110th year of service to the residents of Christian County and surrounding communities. The bank indicates they are the only remaining home owned bank in Christian County. Ozark Bank was founded by a group of local businessmen with a vision to improve Ozark and Christian County by providing banking services and loans that would help the community grow and prosper. They have done an excellent job doing just that.

Since 1979, Esterly, Schneider has worked with the bank to complete many projects. These include renovations and additions to existing facilities, as well as design of new facilities, which has helped them to grow to have four branches in Ozark and Nixa.

Visit our Financial Portfolio Page to see the work our firm has done with Ozark Bank. We are proud to have partnered with this great institution and wish them another 111 more prosperous years to come!